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Cherry Rs 6600 Usb Keyboard Smart Card Driver

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One smart card can store information about several users: you are only to write their names on the card, give everybody his pin-code and teach the system to recognize their fingerprints. The smart card supplied with the keyboard supports up to 6 users, but you can buy some more cards. Other Drivers cech-zac2 cherry-rs-6600 chiligreen-drivers cirrus-logic-cs4206b-ab-82 cisco-camera-driver-windows-8 combo-210e-tuner compaq-15-h001la-drivers compressor-supreme-sterowniki compumax-drivers consumer-cellular-huawei-envoy contacted-smart-card controladora-de-bus-sm controleur-de-bus-sm-lenovo cpl0002-dell cp-usb-rj45m-driver. Cherry 'Smart Card Driver USB' for Windows NT PC/SC - USB driver (CardMan2020) for Windows NT4.0 README.TXT File README file for OMNIKEY CardMan 2020/6020 PC/SC Driver, Version This document describes the release notes of the CardMan 2020/6020 PC/SC Driver I. Crj 900 manual.

  1. Cherry Rs 6600 Usb Keyboard Smart Card Driver Review
  2. Cherry Rs 6600 Usb Keyboard Smart Card Drivers
  3. Cherry Rs 6600 Usb Keyboard Smart Card Driver Download

In the lastarticle I spoke about base keyboard models from Cherry. And now itstime to talk about special keyboards, in particular, about the models intendedfor data protection. The first keyboard is equipped with a smartcard reader/recorderand is supplied together with the software for creation and work with encodeddiscs on a computer. The second one, apart from a smartcard reader, hasan integrated scanner of fingerprints and together with BioLogon softwareis meant for unauthorized access protection. Except these peculiaritiesof the keyboards, we may say that they are usual samples of the G81 andG83 series. That is why if you are not interested in the data protectionsystems you may omit this review.

RS6700 (G83-6700LPARB)

This model is very similar to the G83-6104LRNRG: laser marking of keycaps,membrane keys soft to press, a 180cm interface cable. The width of 16 cmof this keyboard coincides with simple models of the G83 series with PS/2or AT interfaces. But there are 4 cm more which are meant for a smartcardreader.

Such keyboard can be used, for example, for archiving and editing ofa record book of a mobile phone. For this purpose the Cherry's site containsa special program. But a SIM card is to be inserted into the smartcardreader and clamped with a special holder.

The keyboard is supplied together with Aladdin Secret Disk program.Do you remember a utility Norton Diskreet? It could create encoded fileswhich became to look like usual logical drives with the help of a specialdriver. The access was protected with a password. The DES algorithms wasused for encryption.

The Secret Disk has almost the same principles of operation with someimprovements. Mp4 to mp5 converter software download. First, this program is more convenient to work with likewith any other program for Windows (the quantity of functions are alsogreater). Secondly, you may use stronger encryption algorithms. Thirdly,apart from a password there are special hardware means used for data protection:keys for a parallel or USB port or a smart card. But in principle, thebase is the same: an encoded file on a disc, a VXD driver and a manager.

The most of Windows versions have no data protection systems, and withsuch feature their users may feel calm even if a hard disc will be stolen.The Windows 2000 possesses a file encryption system, and the possibilitiesof the Secret Disk are wider. First, a two-level protection (smart cardand password) is more convenient than a single-level one. Secondly, itis more convenient to organize access of several users to secret data.Moreover, it is possible to interchange coded data among different computers(in case of an integrated encryption system of the Win2000 files are transferredin an open form). The archived copies of files will also be protected.

Cherry rs 6600 usb keyboard smart card driver review

There is also another password which will be useful if, for example,bad guys are squeezing a password out of you. The reaction of this secondpassword can be the following: a secret disc access imitation, system failureimitation (e.g., BSOD) together with damaging of a working identifier.And after you reboot the computer the data access seems to be lost forever;)

Well, the system is rather pleasant. I tried to keep quite large fileson a secret disc - the access is not slower as compared with usual storage.Although my computer was rather weak, it still was enough for data encryptionwith a key 128 bits long in a real time mode. By the way, you may use a256bit key.

The installation of the software is described on the separatepage.

Personal ID Keyboard Singlecore-FPR (G81-12002LDVRB)

Cherry Rs 6600 Usb Keyboard Smart Card Driver Review

According to the name we can see that this is a semimechanical keyboardwith a small (square) Enter key. Laser marking of keycaps is doubtful.Letter D ('dual'), obviously, means that this keyboard requires two ports(PS/2 and parallel). And letter V says that, apart from a scanner, thedevice has a smartcard reader which work via a standard keyboard connector.The models which use a serial port has letter T in this position.

Well, while a password can be found out, a smart or magnetic card canbe stolen, the human biometric parameters are the most reliable way toprotect data. Even if you kill a man and put his fingers onto a scanner,the modern equipment will sound the alarm.

As a rule, there are separate devices connected to a parallel port ofa computer which are used for scanning fingerprints. In this case the scanneris built in into the keyboard. But it, anyway, is to connect a printerport. The keyboard can easily work even if the scanner is disabled. Thesmartcard reader is also independent and requires installation of its ownsoftware: BioLogon 2.0 from Identicator Technology.

Cherry Rs 6600 Usb Keyboard Smart Card Drivers

The Cherry's site says that installation must be flawless. But I facedthe problems. First of all, the software was impossible to install on thecomputer with Windows ME (it couldn't identify the DCOM version in thisOS). An attempt to install an older version over the new one from a BioLogon'sCD was vain. The Identix's site said that only Windows 95, 98, NT4 weresupported. That is why I had to install Win98. The software, thus, wasinstalled, but only after the Office 2000 had updated the IE from 4.0 to5.0. Then the Explorer changed a network access way: instead of the BioLogonI had a standard access. The data protection was ruined until I recoveredthe status quo.

But it is still useless to protect a personal computer with 9X/ME withthe help of such protection system: during the booting in the Safe Modethe drivers do not load. The network drivers, however, do not load in thismode as well, that is why such soft hardware complex can be very usefulon a network workstation, especially if you can access a server with confidentialinformation from this computer. The server, at the same time, must havethe BioLogon Server so that you may forget about network passwords andother inconveniences. Chevy volt service manual.

In general, the issue on biometric access control systems is anothersubject. I will only tell you in short what this keyboard can do with thesoftware as far as data protection is concerned and how it implements it(the pictures can be looked at here).

So, the G81-12002LDVRB has a scanner of fingerprints and a smartcardreader. These two devices allow making a multilevel computer protection:smart card + fingerprint (two levels) or smart card + fingerprint + pin-code(three levels). The degree of security can be adjusted. For example, youmay refuse a usual network access through a user name and password. Onesmart card can store information about several users: you are only to writetheir names on the card, give everybody his pin-code and teach the systemto recognize their fingerprints. The smart card supplied with the keyboardsupports up to 6 users, but you can buy some more cards. If a smart cardis ejected the workstation gets locked automatically. So, you are onlyto insert the card again and to scan your fingerprint. By the way, if youare going to use only fingerprints as a protection method, locking of thecomputer access is simpler than in a standard case - you are only to doubleclick the BioLogon icon.

This keyboard model costs as a simple office computer, that is why itmakes no sense to install such keyboard on each work place. But if thousandsof dollars are in danger then you shouldn't save on a $400 keyboard. So,it is for you to decide. But you should remember that a smartcard readercan be used not only for data protection. Such keyboards suit ideally,for example, banks: apart from data protection, smartcard readers willbe useful for chip credit cards. Besides, you can use this keyboard witha data encryption system like Aladdin Secret Disk.

The keyboard itself is an ordinary semimechanical G81 model. It hasonly two differences from the base model. First, it differs in writingsfor the LEDs. Secondly, the ScrollLock LED seems to go on only when a smartcard in inserted. Besides, an interface cable is thick and rigid, 180 cmlong. On its end it splits into a parallel port and a keyboard one. Thecard is usually 20 cm thick, but the problems may arise when the keyboardis put on a sliding shelf: the smart card slot may happen to be under thetable lid and you won't be able to insert a card into it.


Cherry Rs 6600 Usb Keyboard Smart Card Driver Download

You can see that there is nothing new about keyboards. The Secret Diskworks with any smartcard readers. The fingerprint scanner and the softwarefrom Identicator can be bought separately. In fact, it is just a mechanicalcombination of a standard keyboard (G81 or G83) with the hardware. In caseof a fingerprint scanner you won't be able to save on cables or connectors:you, anyway, need two ports.

If you have a keyboard which suits you then it makes no sense to replaceit with these models. For example, instead of replacing a keyboard of theG80 series with the G83-6700LPARB, it is better to purchase separatelya smartcard reader and the required software. This variant will be moreconvenient, since you won't have to replace a mechanical keyboard witha membrane one, and cheaper, if you can make use of an internal smartcardreader the connectors for which can be found on many modern keyboards.But there are a lot of other examples. However, if you need both a keyboardand these accessories, these models will be an excellent choice.


There is also another password which will be useful if, for example,bad guys are squeezing a password out of you. The reaction of this secondpassword can be the following: a secret disc access imitation, system failureimitation (e.g., BSOD) together with damaging of a working identifier.And after you reboot the computer the data access seems to be lost forever;)

Well, the system is rather pleasant. I tried to keep quite large fileson a secret disc - the access is not slower as compared with usual storage.Although my computer was rather weak, it still was enough for data encryptionwith a key 128 bits long in a real time mode. By the way, you may use a256bit key.

The installation of the software is described on the separatepage.

Personal ID Keyboard Singlecore-FPR (G81-12002LDVRB)

Cherry Rs 6600 Usb Keyboard Smart Card Driver Review

According to the name we can see that this is a semimechanical keyboardwith a small (square) Enter key. Laser marking of keycaps is doubtful.Letter D ('dual'), obviously, means that this keyboard requires two ports(PS/2 and parallel). And letter V says that, apart from a scanner, thedevice has a smartcard reader which work via a standard keyboard connector.The models which use a serial port has letter T in this position.

Well, while a password can be found out, a smart or magnetic card canbe stolen, the human biometric parameters are the most reliable way toprotect data. Even if you kill a man and put his fingers onto a scanner,the modern equipment will sound the alarm.

As a rule, there are separate devices connected to a parallel port ofa computer which are used for scanning fingerprints. In this case the scanneris built in into the keyboard. But it, anyway, is to connect a printerport. The keyboard can easily work even if the scanner is disabled. Thesmartcard reader is also independent and requires installation of its ownsoftware: BioLogon 2.0 from Identicator Technology.

Cherry Rs 6600 Usb Keyboard Smart Card Drivers

The Cherry's site says that installation must be flawless. But I facedthe problems. First of all, the software was impossible to install on thecomputer with Windows ME (it couldn't identify the DCOM version in thisOS). An attempt to install an older version over the new one from a BioLogon'sCD was vain. The Identix's site said that only Windows 95, 98, NT4 weresupported. That is why I had to install Win98. The software, thus, wasinstalled, but only after the Office 2000 had updated the IE from 4.0 to5.0. Then the Explorer changed a network access way: instead of the BioLogonI had a standard access. The data protection was ruined until I recoveredthe status quo.

But it is still useless to protect a personal computer with 9X/ME withthe help of such protection system: during the booting in the Safe Modethe drivers do not load. The network drivers, however, do not load in thismode as well, that is why such soft hardware complex can be very usefulon a network workstation, especially if you can access a server with confidentialinformation from this computer. The server, at the same time, must havethe BioLogon Server so that you may forget about network passwords andother inconveniences. Chevy volt service manual.

In general, the issue on biometric access control systems is anothersubject. I will only tell you in short what this keyboard can do with thesoftware as far as data protection is concerned and how it implements it(the pictures can be looked at here).

So, the G81-12002LDVRB has a scanner of fingerprints and a smartcardreader. These two devices allow making a multilevel computer protection:smart card + fingerprint (two levels) or smart card + fingerprint + pin-code(three levels). The degree of security can be adjusted. For example, youmay refuse a usual network access through a user name and password. Onesmart card can store information about several users: you are only to writetheir names on the card, give everybody his pin-code and teach the systemto recognize their fingerprints. The smart card supplied with the keyboardsupports up to 6 users, but you can buy some more cards. If a smart cardis ejected the workstation gets locked automatically. So, you are onlyto insert the card again and to scan your fingerprint. By the way, if youare going to use only fingerprints as a protection method, locking of thecomputer access is simpler than in a standard case - you are only to doubleclick the BioLogon icon.

This keyboard model costs as a simple office computer, that is why itmakes no sense to install such keyboard on each work place. But if thousandsof dollars are in danger then you shouldn't save on a $400 keyboard. So,it is for you to decide. But you should remember that a smartcard readercan be used not only for data protection. Such keyboards suit ideally,for example, banks: apart from data protection, smartcard readers willbe useful for chip credit cards. Besides, you can use this keyboard witha data encryption system like Aladdin Secret Disk.

The keyboard itself is an ordinary semimechanical G81 model. It hasonly two differences from the base model. First, it differs in writingsfor the LEDs. Secondly, the ScrollLock LED seems to go on only when a smartcard in inserted. Besides, an interface cable is thick and rigid, 180 cmlong. On its end it splits into a parallel port and a keyboard one. Thecard is usually 20 cm thick, but the problems may arise when the keyboardis put on a sliding shelf: the smart card slot may happen to be under thetable lid and you won't be able to insert a card into it.


Cherry Rs 6600 Usb Keyboard Smart Card Driver Download

You can see that there is nothing new about keyboards. The Secret Diskworks with any smartcard readers. The fingerprint scanner and the softwarefrom Identicator can be bought separately. In fact, it is just a mechanicalcombination of a standard keyboard (G81 or G83) with the hardware. In caseof a fingerprint scanner you won't be able to save on cables or connectors:you, anyway, need two ports.

If you have a keyboard which suits you then it makes no sense to replaceit with these models. For example, instead of replacing a keyboard of theG80 series with the G83-6700LPARB, it is better to purchase separatelya smartcard reader and the required software. This variant will be moreconvenient, since you won't have to replace a mechanical keyboard witha membrane one, and cheaper, if you can make use of an internal smartcardreader the connectors for which can be found on many modern keyboards.But there are a lot of other examples. However, if you need both a keyboardand these accessories, these models will be an excellent choice.

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